Real Neat Blog Award!

Hey everyone! I’ve been nominated by Lifewithlilred under her Real Neat Blog Award category! How awesome is that? To be honest, this is my first time being nominated for something! Just a bit of a background of why I’m really happy for this award; I really like to keep my blog as minimal as possible so anyone reading would find my posts easily and explore the page without any hassle. I feel happy that someone get to appreciate my page with its neatness, that means my hard work for fixing up my blog paid off! Thank you for this, my dearest friend!

The Rules:

  • Put the award logo on your blog (I couldn’t find it so you can pick your own logo)
  • Answer 7 questions asked by the person who nominated you.
  • Thank the people who nominated you, linking to their blogs.
  • Nominate any number of bloggers you like, linking to their blogs; and asking them seven questions.
  • Let them know you nominated them (by commenting on their blog etc.)

Q & A

  1. Have you picked up any new hobbies during the coronavirus panic? – Definitely! I’ve learned how to grow a garden and focused more on my blogging! I’ve actually just migrated here in the US and this coronavirus situation versus my normal lifestyle upon arriving did not change as much. But with the stores closing and the fact that I can’t hang out with people, it made me stay at home more! Hence, I had more time to discover myself!
  1. How have you been keeping yourself occupied if your area has a stay at home order? – Our area does not really have a stay at home order, a lot of stores are considered “essential” so nothing changed as much except that everything is now for curbside pickup, takeout or delivery! But Korean dramas are keeping me occupied for rainy days! Gardening and walking my dog around is my favorite hobby during sunny days!
  1. Favorite meal to prepare? – I’ve discovered an easier way to cook Beef Bulgogi! I miss the food chains in the Philippines where all of the restaurants or food chains includes rice on their main meal! The star of this meal is white rice, well its the beef, but honestly, its the rice for me! My husband loves it, it became our favorite meal to cook and eat together!
  1. One food that you refuse to try? – I’m not picky with food! I like trying new foods no matter how disgusting and weird they look or smell! I guess that’s the foodie in me, but really, send me some recipes that you think I wouldn’t like and I’ll find the good in it! Comment it down below!
  1. The last movie or show you watched? – The last show I watched was Yakitate Japan! Its about a boy who loves to bake bread, he experiments on different kinds and forms of bread and calls them “Ja-pan No. ___” He doesn’t know that these kind of bread already exists somewhere else! But, the fact that he is in search of a bread that JAPAN can call their own, he calls every type of bread he makes as “JA-PAN”! Its a cool show! Your guys should give it a try!
  1. Who is your celebrity crush? – This is a tough one, but I’ll always love Zac Efron. I don’t even have words on how to describe how much I am fond of him. I am not a die-hard fan but I sometimes imagine myself being able to at least converse with him face to face somehow!
  1. What is your favorite part about blogging? – I think my favorite part about blogging is that you get to express yourself through typed out words. I get my emotions and feelings out better through writing than any other type platform. Also, people would know you based on how you write or how you express yourself. There’s just a deeper connection when reading than watching someone, at least for me.

My Nominees:

My Questions For You:

  1. What practices have changed through your routine because of this pandemic?
  2. Can you say that you have found your silver lining amidst the COVID-19 pandemic?
  3. What’s your favorite hobby that could never be replaced by anything else?
  4. Can you name one thing that you could never live without?
  5. What is it that scares you the most?
  6. Where is your dream destination?
  7. Any skincare staples that you can share?

Thanks again for nominating me Sarah! It was fun answering your questions and sharing it with other people! Hoping to read more of your blogs and life advices! You guys can check out her personal blog if you’re interest about anything under the sun! She keeps her community entertained by posting daily blogs and replying to their queries! If you have anything in mind, I’m sure you can find it on her blog!

Can your recommend any blogs under this category as well? Comment it down below so we can all check it out!

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